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  • Cheshire Cat: Blinks are Blinks... And that's their best album! I think they found their own style, which can'...
  • Our Bodies Our Selves: Mr. T classics. Cute as usual. "Personality Seminar" is a catchy song. "Even Hitler had a girlfr...
  • Zen Arcade: Husker's most famous album. I won't agree with publicity but it includes 23 good songs of post-punk....




Dirty voice and chords. This band is something between Descendents and Minor Threat. Famous pop hardcore album.

  1. I Hate Children
  2. Who Is Who
  3. Wrecking Crew
  4. L.A. Girl
  5. Self Destruct
  6. Kids Of The Black Hole
  7. No Way
  8. Amoeba
  9. Word Attack
  10. Rip It Up
  11. Democracy
  12. No Friends
  13. Creatures
  14. Welcome To Reality
  15. Losing Battle
  16. Things Start Moving

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