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  • American Idiot: Legendary album by Green Day! It's more like musical or punk rock opera then album. All songs ar...
  • The Horror of Life: I think it is the last album by J Church... Not like all other J church, but good as well. Style...
  • Surprise!: A hard to find album. Was issued when fifteen experienced problems with their label. But music i...




It was the very first punk album I ever bought in my life. That time I’ve heard for the first time “smells like teen spirit” on the TV, went to the nearest shop and bought a random Nirvana’s album, which was there, cause I didn’t remember the song name already =) So my first impression was disappointing. Firstly there was no this song and also music was boring… But then I got listened to it, and that’s probably when I started to like punk rock. Yeah… these 2-chord punk songs remain important to me and I still like sometimes to put this old CD to my player and “up up up & down, turn turn turn around” my flat =). They are really simple but so rocking! My favorites are “Sliver”, “Son of a gun”, “Molly’s lips”. Enjoy it!

  1. Dive
  2. Sliver
  3. Stain
  4. Been A Son
  5. Turnaround
  6. Molly’s Lips
  7. Son Of A Gun
  8. Polly
  9. Beeswax
  10. Downer
  11. Mexican Seafood
  12. Hairspray Queen
  13. Aero Zeppelin
  14. Big Long Now
  15. Aneurysm

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